
The best arm workouts to look like Zac Efron in ‘The Iron Claw’

The first, from Maritato will hit your whole body and, in the Turkish Get Up, includes one of the most difficult exercises of all time. The second, from George, uses CrossFit principles to give your arms a beating. Don’t say we never treat you.

We aren’t expecting you to thank us, but maybe remember us when you catch sight of your yolked biceps in the mirror, yes?

Workout 1

“A program that will build the most well-rounded arm is one that includes force production, power production, and stability. This program provides all three,” says Maritato.

Complete four sets of 10 reps of the following:

Standing dumbbell military press

“A standing dumbbell military press is an amazing arm exercise because the stability required to perform this exercise works all of the muscles of the upper arm and shoulder. The deltoid, triceps brachii, and upper trapezius are just three of the primary muscles involved in this exercise.”

Weighted Pull Ups

“Weighted pull ups may be performed using a dip belt or pull up belt with a kettlebell attached. This exercise is the perfect complement to the standing dumbbell military press in that it develops the latisimus dorsi, biceps, and forearms.”

Kettlebell Turkish Get Up

“A Turkish Get Up using a kettlebell produces an isometric muscle contraction throughout the arm and shoulder complex. Since the kettlebell loads the lateral arm more than the medial arm, it requires an element of stability and major muscular endurance.”

Double Kettlebell Clean and Press

“The double kettlebell clean and press is a power exercise. The dumbbell military press and the weighted pull up are great for stretch and force production, but this exercise is about power. Muscular strength is the ability to generate maximal force, power is the ability to generate that force quickly.”


Workout 2

“This is a typical CrossFit style workout that works as aerobic conditioning as well as strength training,” George explains. “Perform the three movements in an ascending rep ladder. For example, round 1 is 5 snatches, 5 push-ups, 5 cal row; round 2 is 10 snatches, 10 push-ups, 10 cal row and carry on adding 5 reps each round until 12 minutes is up.”

Perform sets of the following until you reach 12 minutes:

Dumbbell Snatch
Push Ups
Calorie Row

Then immediately look for an arm-hugging merino wool jumper.

Read the full article here

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